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Tattoo Artist

Address: 1980 N. High St. Columbus, OH, 43201
Brief info

25+ years of tattoo excellence.
Heavy Blackwork, black & grey,
surreal color and fine line
I remember when I was in first grade, my mother hanging a drawing of a sheep I made on the fridge. Her adoration of that little thing. It was with that sheep, I first noticed the excitement of creating art.
I attended the American Academy of Art in Chicago after high school. Focusing on rendering and life studies, but with my friends the art of graffiti, and pieces left on a wall for others to appreciate, challenging what I was learning in school.
Tattooing since 1996, I was fortunate enough to be mentored by some great guys. Learning that tattoos were serious yet fun, thoughtful but cool. I was taught that tattoos should complement the bodies form flowing naturally, but be bold,
In 2001, I had the chance to move to Milwaukee, Wis. I grew leaps and bounds in this space of time there, which would not have happened anywhere else. I owe much more to this city than it could ever know.
Since that time, I’ve tattooed around the world, lived in many places, and experienced many cultures. I genuinely love to meet new people. To speak with and understand their lives struggles, joys, heartaches, and good times. I do this one tattoo at a time.
Here in Columbus, Ohio, my goal is to make every tattoo my best, like it could be my last. My name is Wil Bridgeforth. I do tattoos.