Body Piercer
Brief info
I discovered the possibility of becoming a professional body piercer when I was 15, the day I received my first body piercing. I’ll never forget how excited I felt leaving that place; I knew instantly that’s what I wanted to become. Over the short course of the rest of my adolescence, I continued pursuing this by adding to my collection of body piercings and landing an apprenticeship at Speakeasy Tattooz in 2007. I stayed under my apprenticeship position for just under two years. I then went on to X-treme Tattoo & Piercing in 2012, where I became a piercer full time. In 2013 I was hired to work at Eclectic Tattoo Co. in which I worked off and on until fall of 2017. I joined Evolved Body Art in April of 2019, and the rest is history. Today I’m just as excited about body art and piercing as I was then. My respect for the human body has not only grown, but continually teaches me everyday. I have a special love for genital piercing, and take immense pride in the work that we do here. If you ever see me around, definitely don’t be afraid to ask me about piercing. Seriously. ✌